
Schools Grand Finals

  • THBT Ammit's justice system is justified.
  • Novice Grand Finals

  • THBT Ammit's justice system is justified.
  • Novice Semifinals

  • THR the glorification of the Golden Age of Globalisation as a goal for states to strive for.
  • Open Grand Finals

  • THP a world in which there is no belief in an inherent value to life.
  • Open Semifinals

  • THR the condemnation of religions towards the hedonistic tendencies of humans (e.g., lust, materialism, seeking pleasure, avoiding suffering, etc.).
  • Open Quarterfinals

  • THR the popularisation of the Japa trend.
  • Round 5

  • Assuming that bodily features (face, height, skin color, body shape) still differ from individual to individual, This House Prefers a world where everyone has the same self-presentation (same clothes, same hairstyle, same accessories)
  • Round 4

  • TH, as the AU would, aggressively intervene in coup situations in Africa.
  • Round 3

  • In response to systemic oppression in the status quo,TH Prefers Aaron Busnell's approach over Luigi Mangione's approach.
  • Round 2

  • Assuming the feasibility of transportation of humans to the new world, THW only transport those who have been adhering to eco-friendly practices/guidelines to the new world.
  • Round 1

  • THO the increasing prominence of people adopting the no-contact rule.