Ballot for The N`credibles vs Gotham vs Win or Bin vs CMCDC Aurora Round 3 @ 12 - CHITTAGONG


Assuming he will have a substantial amount of memories for the years he did not live through, TH as Tobi will activate Omen X


  • PM Nomthandazo Ncube 78
  • DPM Nomthandazo Ncube 77
  • Total for The N`credibles (Opening Government) 155
  • LO Nsubuga John Baptist 76
  • DLO Namuddu Rhona Philomera 75
  • Total for Gotham (Opening Opposition) 151
  • MG Clarion Phillip Nabutto 76
  • GW Mukiibi Calvin 77
  • Total for Win or Bin (Closing Government) 153
  • MO Md. Mahmudul Islam 75
  • OW Ataher Azami 75
  • Total for CMCDC Aurora (Closing Opposition) 150