1 | 1 Feta Onyiru Patricia, Econi Walter, Aker Atem Agot | | 64.00, 65.00, 62.00, 32.00 | | | This House Believes That it is legitimate for the biggest polluters to be taxed in equal proportion to the damage they cause to the environment. | |
2 | 1 Odong Nathaniel, Okello Joshua Haggay, Angulu Chrispus | | 64.00, 65.00, 63.00, 32.00 | | | Ecological Sustainability Activist This House Prefers a world in which activists for ecological sustainability prioritize legislative reforms [e.g., Carbon Pricing] over changing people’s attitudes toward the environment [e.g. Documentaries and Films]. | |
3 | 1 Imuria Elizabeth, Iiko Georgina, Omoding Blessing | | 67.00, 65.00, 63.00, 31.00 | | | This House Opposes the narrative that climate change is a disaster in waiting rather than a technological challenge that can be overcome. | |
4 | 1 Muhumuza Anthony, Aheebwa Rooney, Akampurira Moses | | 64.00, 67.00, 63.00, 33.00 | | | This House Would grant temporary residency to as many climate refugees as possible even at the severe expense of domestic welfare. | |
5 | 1 Longok Moses, Lokut Barnabas, Nangiro Saviour | | 66.00, 65.00, 64.00, 33.00 | | Wangusa Hashim Abdulmajid OtahungaⒸ | Wetland Eviction Directive This House Believes That the government should provide adequate compensation and resettlement packages for individuals and communities affected by the wetland eviction directive. | |